Partnership project

20 серпня 2023

We are pleased to announce our partnership with the Higher School of Public Administration of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Bar Association YurFem and SEMA Ukraine in a new project.
Launched last week, the project aims to train civil servants and local government officials with interdisciplinary knowledge of CR prevention and response The first Training of Trainers took place on August 15-18 as part of the Summer School of Trainers. It was attended by 25 participants from several governmental and civil society organizations. The trainings, supervised by Sema Ukraine, allowed the participants to understand the key principles of survivor care.
We hope that the lessons learned in these sessions will help participants to translate and integrate medical care into their work environment.
We thank all the partners who made this first training a success: Higher School of Public Administration of Ukraine, National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, Support to Ukraine's Government Reforms (SURGe), UNDP, UNFP, UN Women, Mukwege Foundation, Ukrainian Bar Association and the EU Project "Support to Comprehensive Public Administration Reform in Ukraine" (EU4PAR).