SEMA Ukraine members, with the support of the Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation, gathered for a strategic retreat at the picturesque Trypillian Sun Hotel Complex.
09 вересня 2023
Members of CEMA Ukraine, with the support of the Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation, gathered for a strategic retreat at the picturesque Trypillian Sun Hotel near Kyiv. The event took place on September 8-10-11, 2023.
Apolline Pierson (Mukwege Foundation), supported by the Ukrainian team of the Foundation Mariia Yefimchuk.
The event program includes:
- Summarizing the achievements of SEMA Ukraine in 2023.
- Presentation of the overall program of the Mukwege Foundation in Ukraine with a focus on projects aimed at increasing access to comprehensive assistance for survivors of CRSV.
- Discussion of the advocacy and communication strategy of SEMA Ukraine, including identification of stakeholders, key messages and review of internal and external communication.
- Development of a strategic plan for the next year, analysis of fundraising and partnership opportunities.

Summarizing the achievements of SEMA Ukraine in 2023

Communication with representatives of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine

A photo to remember a wonderful, productive and positive meeting.