Participation of women from SEMA Ukraine in the International Conference on SGBV on November 24-25 in Leshno, Poland.

30 листопада 2023

On November 24, 8 representatives of the NGO "SEMA UKRAINE": Iryna Dovgan, Liudmyla Huseinova, Olena Lazareva, Halyna Tyshchenko, Yuliia Dvornichenko, Olena Apchel, Tetiana Vasylenko, Daria Zymenko, arrived in Leshno to participate in the International Conference: "Providing Holistic Care for the Survivors of Sexual Violence and Torture."

Polish and French non-governmental organizations supporting Ukrainian survivors of SGBV invited them to participate in an international event on the topic: "Providing Holistic Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence and Torture."

Nomada Stowarzyszenie, in cooperation with SEMA Ukraine, Fondation Médecins du Monde, WAPP Association for the support of the Leszno project, Polish Center for Torture Survivors, UNHCR
and the Association for the Defense of Democracy in Pöln-ADDP France organized the first international conference based on a trauma-informed approach. They were joined by a group of several dozen psychotherapists who work tirelessly in different regions of Ukraine. Specialists, psychotherapists, lawyers, and journalists from many countries discussed the medical, psychological, legal, and socio-economic problems they face.