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Почуття жінок СЕМА Україна пвд час та після адвокаційної поїздки на конференцю в Париж 13 - 15 червня 2024року

     "Багато важливого було сказано, вкотре, важливі зустрічі, інтерв’ю, розмови, дуже важкі і важливі одночасно. Ірина приїхала на конференцію одразу після хіміотерапії, для Дар‘ї це перша міжнародна конференція. І відчуваєш, як попри біль, вони говорять, і ти разом з ними... І розумієш, як неймовірно пишаєшся цими жінками, і тим що ти також є частинкою цього руху. Все це важко було собі уявити, коли на початку 2019 року я потрапила на нашу першу зустріч жін

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Про пережите в 2014 році, перебуваючи в полоні воєнізованих формувань на сході України розповідає Ірина Довгань в документальній трилогії Unbroken 2020 року.

Я просто жінка, яку приїхали зі зброєю в моє місто вважали за можливе катувати, розстрілювати, погрожувати і знущатися. І я живий доказ агресії росії по відношенню до України... Це були мешканці осетії, найманці. Вони хотіли почути від мене адреси та прізвища людей, які, як і я, допомагали українським військовим...Били спереду,били ззаду, стріляли біля голови - так проходив допит. Мене оздягали, роздягалися самі... Три доби не давали ні їжі, ні води. Після цього я розуміла, що раху

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«Я обрала життя, тому робила те, що від мене вимагав окупант»

«Я обрала життя, тому робила те, що від мене вимагав окупант» — історія дівчини, яка постраждала від сексуального насильства під час війни Історія, яка одночасно демонструє тяжкість злочинів росіян й незламну силу духу української жінки, яка після пережитих жахіть знайшла в собі сили жити далі повноцінним життям. Ім'я героїни змінено. В окупації Про те, що буде війна, в родині Марії говорили задовго до 24 лютого 2022 року. Разом з хлоп

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In memory of Viktoriia Rei (Viktoriia Kononova)

   Viktoriia found peace in heaven without pain and suffering... On January 6, 2024, Viktoriia Kononova-Rei left us for a better world. Vika was a member of the board of CEMA Ukraine. For everyone who knew her, she was a friend, acquaintance, sister, volunteer, extremely interesting, kind and wise woman. She was captured and tortured in 2014 in the Luhansk region. She lived in Kyiv. She courageously fought for her life with cancer until her last day, and after a difficult and

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SESTRY The Way Home. The story of Ukrainian filmmaker and volunteer Olena Apchel

On 18.12.2023, an article by journalist Natalia Zhukovska was published on the SESTRY website website published an article by journalist Natalia Zhukovska about the story of Ukrainian filmmaker and volunteer Olena Apchel.  "The war changed me. I became more sensitive to injustices. Thanks to the war, I fell in love with my home, my steppe, and I am going through my personal decolonization, de-Russification and de-imperialization," says Olena. http://surl.li/oodwk

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Musician Sonia Wieder-Atherton expresses her feelings of warmth and faith in the courage of the organization's women

Thanks to a good friend of our organization, Joanna Lasserre, we received greetings and words of support from the incredible composer and cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton. "With this music, I want to make you feel how much we send you strength and warmth, believe in your courage and think about you." "It's hard to speak without seeing your faces, but I'm thinking of you ..... je vous embrasse   http://surl.li/nsars

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 When we talk about weapons used in wars, we often think of guns, tanks and missiles, but since ancient times, one of the most powerful weapons against humanity has been sexual violence, which has accompanied armed conflicts around the world. The broadcast of the program "Woman at the End of the World" from Ukraine starts a fundraising campaign for the SEMA organization and women who have suffered sexual violence during the war. http://surl.li/lewam

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9 months of captivity and a torture chamber in the temporarily occupied Kherson region - the hell that two Ukrainian women went through.

It seems like a year has passed. But I still remember July 5, 22, in my mind. I remember when they took the bag off my head in the cell, and I sat down on an iron bench. There was silence. Three girls are looking at me. Fenia broke the silence and asked: "Girl, what is your grief?" Everyone there had their own grief. Not everyone managed to survive it. Russian barbarians took Fenia's life. The rest of the women from our "Ward 6" endured pain, and abuse, and overcame the h

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Seven months of captivity. Olha Kutiavina from Rubizhne fought for her language, survived and got out of the occupiers' hell

 Seven months of captivity. Olha Kutiavina from Rubizhne fought for her language, survived and got out of the occupiers' hell October 17, 2022, went down in the history of modern Ukraine as the day of the great women's prisoner exchange. As part of the exchange, 108 women prisoners of war, doctors, border guards, and 12 civilians were able to return home. Among them was Olha Kutiavina, a well-known volunteer from Rubizhne.  A TRIBUNE correspondent managed to talk to Ms.

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"I don't know where I got the strength, but I realized that if I cried, if I showed weakness, they would destroy me." Interview with a former civilian hostage

 "I don't know where I got the strength, but I realized that if I cried, if I showed weakness, they would destroy me." Interview with a former civilian hostage March 11, 2023 Liudmyla Huseinova was detained in Russian-occupied Novoazovsk in 2019 for her pro-Ukrainian position. She was tortured in the "Izoliatsiia" torture chamber and spent three years behind bars in the Donetsk detention center. Since her release in December 2022, she has been fightin

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As of the end of 2022, 154 criminal cases of sexual violence committed by the Russian military were officially opened in Ukraine.

As of the end of 2022, 154 criminal cases of sexual violence committed by the Russian military were officially opened in Ukraine.                                       "I used to think that I was a pretty strong person, that I could survive anything, but this event that happened to me is some kind of maximum humiliation in front of myself, not even in front of anyone."    

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